Awesome maaan. I had to look these up. Some I never knew about before.
Citigroup (C) is very tempting. They have healthy exposure in China, was one of the first major financial institutions to get really embedded in the new economy there. Ups and downs because of the mortgage mess, but there's more upside than downside from here, I think. I kinda expect at least one more downturn related to the mortgage crisis, but that's bearable.
Crocs (CROX) I have to confess I gave up on when I lost a big profit. I wear their sandals, believe in the product. But it went from 40 to 75 and back to below 40. I think it's still a good company but the slowing growth means 75 probably ain't gonna happen with consumer spending tailing off. Maybe 50. That would be a nice profit. I just won't go near it.
I have no idea what EMCOR Group (EME) does, but the stock is on a big roll. It gapped up last week from 22 to 24 and is now at 25.36. Need to do homework on this puppy.
E-Trade (ETFC) I like as an online broker, but there are some serious, ongoing issues in regard to loans. The brokerage is just a small part of the company now so I wonder what the future holds when people make less money (economy, inflation) and default on their loans. When ETFC went below 3, that was just paranoia, though. Doubling to 5 between January and February was the top, I'm guessing. It's gonna take a whole lot to move the stock above 6. I hope it happens.
General Electric (GE) is a classic blue-chip, but it's so huge, where's the growth going to come from? It's a safe stock in this bear market, a good addition to the portfolio.
Google (GOOG) will be back. Maybe not to 750 (last November) right away, but at 464 today, it's tempting. I'd maybe get some shares later, when the selling is done. Might be done for now, actually. GOOG was at 446 intra-day.
Hoku Scientific (HOKU) I already have. Like the company, though risk comes with this. They still need to secure financing for the polysilicon plant in Idaho. Sanyo and Suntech Power are two of the big boys who are betting on Hoku. If the company comes through, there is $10 billion in contracts waiting.
Never heard of St. Joe Corp. (JOE). Gotta do homework.
Metallurgic stocks are hot right now, and I know nothing about them. But metals and other commodities are in demand because of the modernization in China, India and Brazil. North American Palladium (PAL) has run from 3.50 to 9 ... incredible gap-ups in the past month. Careful here. The profit-taking will be immense until the next catalyst/contract. Looking forward to doing some homework here.
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