(new) Reggie Middleton: Eurocalypse trading commentary (Sept 12)
(new) Reggie Middleton: As the French bank runs (Sept 12)
(new) Reggie Middleton: Most of Western Europe on the brink of bank collapse (Sept 12)
(new) Turd Ferguson: (pm) Turd picks his bottom (Sept 12)
> Charts Gold Dec 8-hour | Silver Dec 8-hour
(new) Scott Bleier: Holding our breath (Sept 12)
(new) Jake Gint: The Banquo-Housing Connexion (Sept 12)
(new) Le Fly: Daytraders hell (Sept 12)
(new) Le Fly: Fly buy: ZSL (Sept 12)
(new) Le Fly: Greetings from Romania (Sept 12)
(new) Le Fly: Breaking: European markets have closed, get your space helmets ready (Sept 12)
> "I am over-trading and making errors, only because of greed."
(new) Reggie Middleton: Eurocalypse trading commentary (Sept 12)
(new) Reggie Middleton: As the French bank runs (Sept 12)
(new) Reggie Middleton: Most of Western Europe on the brink of bank collapse (Sept 12)
(new) Turd Ferguson: (pm) Turd picks his bottom (Sept 12)
> Charts Gold Dec 8-hour | Silver Dec 8-hour
(new) Scott Bleier: Holding our breath (Sept 12)
(new) Jake Gint: The Banquo-Housing Connexion (Sept 12)
(new) Le Fly: Daytraders hell (Sept 12)
(new) Le Fly: Fly buy: ZSL (Sept 12)
(new) Le Fly: Greetings from Romania (Sept 12)
(new) Le Fly: Breaking: European markets have closed, get your space helmets ready (Sept 12)
> "I am over-trading and making errors, only because of greed."
(new) Le Fly: The hardest market ever (Sept 12)
(new) Le Fly: The party is over (Sept 12)
(new) SGS: No title needed, I'm bored (Sept 12)
(new) King World News: Richard Russell - Not so fast gold-haters (Sept 12)
(new) Harvey Organ: Another massive raid as Europe burns to the ground (Sept 12)
(new) Jesse's Cafe Americain: Perception is everything when you rule the world (Sept 12)
(new) King World News: James Turk: Expect $2,000 gold within 45 days (Sept 12)
(new) King World News: Eveillard: Expect a mania in gold before this is over (Sept 12)
Zero Hedge: Market snapshot - what happened? (Sept 12)Turd Ferguson: (am) No real change (Sept 12)
> Charts Gold Dec 3-hour | Silver Dec 4-hour
SGS: Silver TA update (Sept 12)
Zero Hedge: As a reminder, here is what China really thinks about Italian bonds (Sept 12)
Zero Hedge: UBS' George Magnus says European 'viability is far from assured' (Sept 12)
Zero Hedge: $32 billion 3-year bonds sold at rate below 3-month LIBOR (Sept 12)
Jamie Coleman: I got your safe haven right here... (Sept 12)
Jamie Coleman: Stocks turn higher on the day (Sept 12)
> "The market is insane if they think more Chinese buying of European debt is gonna make a dimes worth of difference in the ultimate outcome..."
Zero Hedge: Greek bank deposits decline for 7th month in a row (Sept 12)
(new) Clive Maund: Silver could be on verge of devastating decline (Sept 11)
Chris Duane (Silver Shield): A decade of denial and deception (Sept 11)
Turd Ferguson: TFMR Podcast #1 (Sept 11)
SGS: 10 years later and the best performing asset is... (Sept 11)
(new) streetmoney21: A word of caution for silver market (Sept 12)
(new) jackieochannel: Gold, silver and food inflation (Sept 12)
(new) Keiser Report: Confidence game (Sept 12)
(new) Realist News: Web Bot hit possibly - $20 a day silver coming soon? (Sept 12)
(new) Jim Comiskey: Daily market insights - Metals futures (Sept 12)
(new) Jim Comiskey: Daily market insights - Metals futures (Sept 12)
(new) Realist News: Greek people crapped on with new property tax (Sept 12)
Heretic Productions: Alexander Massa's The Time Has Come America! (Sept 12)
silverfuturist: Thanks to SGTbull (Sept 12)
endlessmountain: The Silver Log (Sept 12)
Hit the Bid: Remembering (Sept 12)
GuildF40: The QE blame game starts (Sept 12)
Alexiscom1: Euro crisis & RE: freedom lost, economy collapsing (Sept 12)
Al Korelni: Closed Asian markets, light trading volume of gold (Sept 12)
george4title: Is Google using us? (Sept 12)
SGT Report: Chris Duane: A decade of denial and deception (Sept 11)
endlessmountain: Gold technical analysis (Sept 11)
Alexiscom1: Swiss gold frank, Obama job plan (Sept 11)
Alexiscom1: RE: Warning for silver investors (Sept 11)
ScrapGoldBusiness: Reasons the WTC buildings went down? (Sept 11)
ScrapGoldBusiness: Even big box stores feeling the pinch (Sept 11)
ScrapGoldBusiness: Gold-buying stores national averages (Sept 11)
ScrapGoldBusiness: Testing gold with the GXL-24 Pro (Sept 11)
James Turk: Peter Grandich interview (Aug 6)
King World News: Peter Schiff (Sept 12)
King World News: Peter Schiff (Sept 12)
Turd Ferguson: Guest Mark Steyn (Sept 11)
Blog commentary
Irene: Some facts, some opinion (Sept 12)
> Chinese holidays on Sept 13, Oct 3, Oct 5
DarkPurpleHaze: Angela Merkel's Euro Contagion Band (Sept 12)
OCC15: Please read - this is par for the course! (Sept 12)
benroberts13: Asian holidays? (Sept 12)
Tesla: zoom out a little to get perspective... (Sept 12)
ScottJ: Greek bonds (Sept 12)
(new) Bloomberg: Merkel eschews 'uncontrolled Greek insolvency' (Sept 12)
(new) RT: Age of Austerity: Italy town rebels against Rome, wants own currency (Sept 12)
(new) CNTV: Gold buy-backs slow in China (Sept 12)
Bloomberg: 'Panic setting in over European crisis' (Sept 12)
Journeyman Pictures: The Genocide Insider - Sudan, July 2008 (Sept 12)
Journeyman PIctures: Big Damage - Papua New Guinea (Sept 12)
Journeyman Pictures: Never Say Die - China (Sept 12)
Journeyman Pictures: Divine Mission - USA (Sept 12)
Metal bling
(new) silverpornUK: Part 9 - It's big and hairy (Sept 13)
(new) RyanB0011: F15 Silver Philharmonic (Sept 12)
(new) RyanB0011: F15 Silver Libertad (Sept 12)
(new) Ryan B0011: F15 Silver Maple Leaf watch (Sept 12)
Eye candy
(new) Street Low Magazine TV: Non'z 51, Kool Impressions CC (Sept 12)
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