Friday, September 23, 2011

Weekend cinema & library (updated Sun 200 am HST)

Beijing Ancient Conservatory

1:56 pm (Hawaii) Just a few minutes before after-hours trading ends. I'm content to stay all cash through the weekend. I think. I'd love me a small wad of FAZ, but it's not necessary.

2:00 pm Did it, re-entered with a small position at 69.14. If the ECB and Fed hatch another diabolical plan to stall and prolong the agony, so be it. FAZ could open on Monday at 60 and I'd give back the gains I made yesterday. But longer term, this bankster nonsense is off the tracks and can't get back on.

The avalanche in spot gold and silver must be making buyers in India and China happy. Major discount for quality goods. I still think spot silver at 21 is a possibility, though remote. If that happens, I'll eat crackers for a year while loading up me pirate booty chest.

In my neck of the woods, coin shops are rare, and actual bullion is not plentiful. Even if we had a lot of shops, I doubt any of them would be willing to sell anything at these discounted spot prices. May do some online shopping this weekend, turn that FAZ profit to physical gold and silver.

(new) Le Fly: Greek default is imminent (Sept 24)
(new) Zero Hedge: Lehman Weekend Redux? (Sept 24)
(new) SGS: You can't print physical metal (Sept 24)
(new) Gonzalo Lira: Forget gold — what matters is copper (Sept 24)
(new) Zero Hedge: Germany demands 'managed' Greek default (Sept 24)
(new) Zero Hedge: Marc Faber: On Operation Twist, Dollar, gold and the Greeks (Sept 23)
(new) Chris Duane (Silver Shield): Emotional momentum monkeys vs. logical stackers (Sept 23)
(new) Chris Duane (Silver Shield): Possible false flag this weekend? (Sept 23)
Zero Hedge: Gold liquidations open thread (Sept 23)
> "Updated: Yep - it was the leak of a margin hike as just confirmed."
Zero Hedge: When hope fades (Sept 23)
Zero Hedge: Case closed: CME hikes gold, silver, copper margins (Sept 23)
Turd Ferguson: ебать! 他妈的 !! באַרען !!! (Sept 23)
> Charts Gold Dec 8-hour | Silver Dec daily
Turd Ferguson: OK, here are some charts (updated) (Sept 23)
SGS: No title needed. Yawn. (Sept 23)
SGS: Okay...let's try this again...looking for 5000 'I hate's' (Sept 23)
Zero Hedge: Panic and perspective on Wall St from Art Cashin (Sept 23)
Golden Truth: One last pre-weekend thought (Sept 23)
Golden Truth: Quickie today (Sept 23)
King World News: Sprott money temporarily runs out of physical silver (Sept 23)
Dan Norcini: Commodity complex reeling but still standing (Sept 23)
Jesse's Cafe Americain: Net asset value of certain PM trusts, funds (Sept 23)
King World News: Exclusive: Gerald Celente announces he's buying silver (Sept 22)
Gary North: Gold confiscation: A highly unlikely threat (Sept 22)


(new) stellaconcepts: Holy silver smackdown, Batman! (Sept 25)
(new) H1INC: Silver shortages? (Sept 24)
(new) endlessmountain: The Silver Log (Sept 24)
(new) MoneyBags73: Gold down $100, silver down $5 (Sept 23)
(new) streetmoney21: The canary in the coal mine wins another round (Sept 23)
(new) bigdad06: Gold/silver on sale (part 1) (part 2) (Sept 23)
(new) BrotherJohnF: Silver update - Load the boat (Sept 23)
Jim Comiskey: Daily market insights - Metals futures (Sept 23)
Keiser Report: Flashback finance: What Max Keiser preidcted in 2007 (Sept 23)
Wide Awake News: Will we have a miracle this weekend? (Sept 23)
Ron Suskind: Response to Obama admin's denials about financial crisis (Sept 23)
ScrapGoldBusiness: Paper spot silver dump - holy cow! (Sept 23) Why silver is crashing! (Sept 23)
george4vlogging: Cops pulling everyone over, people living in vans (Sept 23)
visionvictory: Silver crash! Hurry up and buy 30 yr at 3% LOL (Sept 23)
jackieochannel: Gerald Celente is buying silver (Sept 23)
endlesssmountain: Web Surfing: Silver, casino jackpots, bankers (Sept 23)
endlessmountain: Silver Log: Banker intervention (Sept 23)
wafdawg: Year of Dragon (round) (Sept 23)
wafdawg: Coordinated selloff part of Con Game of Fed (Sept 23)
silverfuturist: Why is silver going down with stocks (Sept 23)
Young Turks: Extended clip (Sept 22)
Snordelhans: World declaration of liberation (Sept 22)
(new) Mike Maloney: What is really going on with gold, silver (Nov 4 2010)

FAZ in pit stop mode after the hyperbolic move from 55 to 74 in three days.
Next stop: 81? 100? 54?

Blog commentary

(new) Turd Ferguson: Guest Gonzalo Lira (Sept 24)
(new) Kerry Lutz: Guest David Morgan, panic report (Sept 24)
Kerry Lutz: Guest Bob Chapman, special PM panic report (Sept 23)
Coast to Coast: Guest Bob Chapman (Sept 23)
Christopher Greene: Global stock market meltdown, bank runs coming next (Sept 23)
Peter Schiff: Radio show (1 hour, 18 minutes) (Sept 22)
(new) Business Insider: Here are real reasons why gold, silver plunged (Sept 24)
(new) Business Insider: Most world markets now bear markets (Sept 24)
(new) Bloomberg: Russia may lend $3.4 billion to Cyprus (Sept 23)
Forex: ECB Trichet: Contagion risks EMU financial stability (Sept 23)
CME: Gold, silver, copper margins raised (Sept 23)
Charlie Gasparino/FOX: Morgan Stanley bounces after 2008-like rumor (Sept 23)
(video) Business Insider: Gasparino: 'Morgan Stanley will not silence me with death threats' (Sept 23)
Business Insider: EuroTARP would have to be $1.3 trillion (Sept 23)
Business Insider: Credit Suisse: Disastrous consequences of Euro breakup (Sept 23)
Business Insider: Angry Chinese villagers riot in Guangdong (Sept 23)
(video) International Business Times: Silver plunges, gold drops (Sept 23)
(video) Bloomberg: Moody's downgrades eight Greek banks by two levels (Sept 23)
CNBC: Guest Jim Rogers (Sept 22)
(video) Fox: Marc Faber warning bigger financial crisis on way (Sept 21)
Metal bling
Silveready1: Silver on sale - limited time only! (Sept 23)

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