Boy, that was fast. The quarterly report is around the corner — around the weekend — for the maker of my favorite product, Apple. Monday's Q3 earnings report will tell so much about increasing Mac sales, iPod sales, ITunes revenues and, of course, iPhone sales. The market is bullish, pushing shares to 173 today. I just wonder how steep the selloff will be on the earnings report. I don't wonder a whole lot, though. I'm holding my shares for the long term, and the stock will recover because growth is far from over.
Mac, iPhone sales to lead Apple reportAnalyst Chris Whitmore, of Deutsche Bank, said on Oct. 1 that channel checks showed the price cut spurring even more demand for the iPhone. Whitmore said that iPod sales gained more steam following a refresh of the product line that included adding the new iPod touch device, which incorporates many of the iPhone features only without the cell phone capability.
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