Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday premarket

AAPL has stayed plus $3 since yesterday's afterhours close. Most stocks on my primary list are still up through premarket, though GLD has lost some early gains and is struggling to stay above 121. SLV is still above 19.

My AAPL/VXX interplay is not working well. Unlike last Friday, when chaos reigned and the two danced beautifully together, both are down since yesterday's afterhours trading. AAPL is up roughly 1% (since afterhours) to 258.68, while VXX is down 3% to 25.05. It's a hedge, an insurance tool, but this tells me that waiting until morning works best for buying VXX.

Now let's see if the market can stay positive or yield to all these challenges. John Nyaradi has a cautious perspective.

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