Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Holy Amazonian Rocket Ship!


For that, I should know better. When Amazon announced its earnings report — another grand slam home run — earlier today, I noticed that the stock ticked up in after hours to $72 (from a $69 close). I hit the shower and went about other things. A while later, I checked AMZN again. It was at $77 and proceeded to hit $80 before waffling at that level some. After a little pullback, AMZN shot up again and is now trading above $82.

Holy Rocket Ship, Batman. This is so similar to Q1 earnings, when AMZN closed the day at $44.75 and opened the next day at $53.12. That's a move of 18.7%.

Today's Q2 earnings after-hours action (so far), from a $69.25 close to a current $82.60 is a gain of 19.2%. Basically, the same huge run after Q1.

Congratulations to the Amazon longs. You have quite a leader at the helm in Jeff Bezos. With entry and investment in China, the party ain't over just yet.

Disclaimer: Pupule Paul has no position in AMZN.

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