Yingli wasn't so bad. In fact, YGE was up more than $2 to 37+ and I could've sold for a little profit if it hadn't been 6 a.m. and if I hadn't been flat-out asleep. Yingi pulled back to 35+ by the close. No complaints here. But looking over at Suntech Power (STP) and its 12% move today, I wonder why I like Yingli so much instead of the Chinese solar leader.
Apple closed strong today, up more than 3% to 192. Very nice. One of the faux portfolios I keep is nothing but Apple based on monthly buys regardless of price. It's amazing sight to behold, so much green lighting up the screen. The pruning I did yesterday has me thinking more and more about sticking with a handful of stocks, maybe even just three or so. Three great companies.
Those wouldn't be YGE or STP though. Not yet. Formative years, strictly trade material. I need to stock up on Monster energy drinks. Maybe then I'll see the light. Get it? Solar stocks. Light. Boo...
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