Now I'll add my little conspiracy theory. Please note that I am not against any manipulation by governments that may view this as "protection" of little brother more than outright acts of evil.
1. The People's Republic hates competition, so ushering Google out was a matter of time, not circumstance or competition.

2. The "Flash Crash" of last Thursday was orchestrated through the delicate maneuvering of many intricate machines and obedient humans. Or obedient machines and intricate humans, depending on your view.
3. This set up the Trillion-Dollar bailout by the Euro league of superheroes so that broke-ass nations could be spared the impunity of flat-out bankruptcies, permitting enough time to work out new credit repayment plans. Kind of like half the people we all know who maxed out dozens of credit cards.

4. The Flash Crash, coupled with newly printed euros (and US dollars via IMF) in the hands of once desperate Eurozone bankers, gives them the same formula for 100% success as their counterparts trading the US markets. This eventually makes even the death-bed banks solvent again thanks to a formula that has proven effective (for financials) in the US.
So far.
With all this cascading beautifully, why wouldn't Big Brother take advantage of a recovering American market to bolster his favorite Chinese stock: Baidu. The non-stop run by BIDU today was better than a ringer with cheat codes on a video game. Retribution, perhaps, for perceived* manipulation of the US market by Uncle Samuel?
Who knows? But it's Conspiracy Theory 101 at its finest.
Look, none of this bothers me even if it's 1% true. Like anybody else, I had every chance to dive headfirst into the market — at the right time last year — and bank a monstrous amount of profit. Not that I did, but ... no complaints here. Whether you love the system or hate it, there's coin to be made and we all made our choices.
Moving on...
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