Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday night cinema & library (updated 10 pm HST)

University of Mumbai Library

1:54 pm (Hawaii) Brian Kelly says he could see the market open tomorrow down 200 points, but he'd like to see Bernanke speak, followed by no market reaction, and then the market finishes up for the day. He thinks that would lead to a short-covering rally as long as a month.

He also sees another $50 or $100 in gold, but is short silver. Also says the long yen has "presaged" everything. If the market reverses, he likes AAPL, GOOG, AMZN. He says we could get a vicious rally of about 7-8%. Kelly is pretty good on his outlooks, was long gold a few weeks back while Gartman was complaining that the trade was "crowded" and got out.

TheWeeklyTelegram: Soros scam makes headlines, great privatization swindle (Aug 8)
Zero Hedge: Futures rout accelerates, emergency Fed announcement possible (Aug 8)
Zero Hedge: China CPI comes in hotter than expected (Aug 8)
Zero Hedge: Size seller of futures sends spot gold to new all-time high of 1725 (Aug 8)
Turd Ferguson: (am) Because I said so (Aug 8) (11:25 pm EST update)
Le Fly: A reversal of winship (Aug 8)
Le Fly: Technical analysis of the great crash of 2011 (Aug 8)
Le Fly: The good times are back (Aug 8)
Le Fly: No different from 2008 (Aug 8)
Zero Hedge: Shocker: JPM sees gold at $2,500 by year end (Aug 8)
Zero Hedge: Treasury adds another $20 billion in debt overnight (Aug 8)
SGS: Aug 9, 2:15 EST, Man of the Year speaks from the heavens (Aug 8)
Turd Ferguson: (am) Levels to watch today (Aug 8)
Le Fly: The S&P parade continues (Aug 8)
Golden Truth: Wow! It does get funnier (Aug 8)
Golden Truth: Bank of America dies and JP Morgan calls for $2,500 gold (Aug 8)
Zero Hedge: Bank of America is just the start of Paulson's problems (Aug 8)
Russ Koesterich: Why gold prices are so high (Aug 8)

Blog commentary

HyperReport: 08/08/11 (Aug 8)
Russ Koesterich: Why gold prices are so high (Aug 8)
endlessmountain: Final: Gold and silver analysis (Aug 8)
> This is the long (10-minute) version
george4vlogging: S&P AA+ rating on US sovereign debt, $1700 gold (Aug 4)

Peter Schiff: Welcome to the Twilight Zone (Aug 8)


Metal bling

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