Jim Sinclair: September 7th takes on strategic importance (Aug 30)
Jim Sinclair: Who will protect you in these outrageous markets? (Aug 30)
Turd Ferguson: (pm) Read this now (Aug 30)
Zero Hedge: QE3 Levitation Day 2 (Aug 30)
King World News: Stephen Leeb - Gold skying because of Bernake desperation (Aug 30)
King World News: Gerald Celente - I'm now 100% in gold, Roubini is wrong (Aug 30)
> A decade ago, Celente was advising to by gold at $280.
Zero Hedge: JPM demanding QE3 (Aug 30)
Times of India: India makes buying gold easier (Aug 30)
Turd Ferguson: (am) All the fuss (Aug 30)
Bruce Krasting: Govt investment disaster in the works? (Aug 30)
Seth Lipsky: Floating dollar as threat to property rights (Feb)
Organic Heed: ChemTrails and coffee, violent Detroit (Aug 30)
Christopher Greene: Collapse imminent (Aug 30)
Hit the Bid: This is supposed to be about stocks (Aug 30)
Endless Mountain: The Silver Log (Aug 30)
USAprepares.com: Bob Chapman interview (Aug 30)
Realist News: Web Bot update - Some big event should happen soon (Aug 30)
James Turk: Ned Naylor-Leyland interview (Aug 30)
> Aug 5 interview
H1INC: Silver: A final warning (Aug 30)
Peter Schiff Radio: Chicago Fed president Charles Evans favors QE3 (Aug 30)
Blog commentary
Inbetween is pain: No shame - only hubris (Aug 30)
ScottJ: Playing devil's advocate (Aug 30)
CNBC: The rush for gold (Aug 30)
> Guest Sen. Ron Paul
CNBC: Chicago Fed: Economy in liquidity trap (Aug 30)
CNBC: August consumer confidence down (Aug 30)
CNBC: FOMC announcement: A divided Fed (Aug 30)
CNBC: New hints of QE3? (Aug 30)
CNBC: Pimco's Gross regrets 'mistake' on US debt call (Aug 30)
MSNBC: Ron Paul and Constitution (Aug 29)
CNBC: Samsung, Apple in tablet war (Aug 29)
Metal bling
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