5:21 pm (Hawaii) Finally back home, catching up on today's market news and some Fast Money off the DVR. Interesting that Gartman remains bullish "of gold" and Cortez is now long the market via S&P 500 (SPX?) now that fear has clouded the groupthink.
Beyond all the chatter on the tube, Brother Turd Ferguson is cautious overnight, pointing to blatant attacks on gold in the final hour of trading (stateside). To him, that plus tomorrow being the day before another key economic report make gold and silver particularly vulnerable. So far, gold his holding above 1660, currently at 1668, and silver is managing to stay above 41.00, now 41.99. I still don't see the CME mafia allowing silver above 42 for some time, but they have no way to completely stifle gold. Can't tell our creditors they can't buy the yellow metal, can't make them stop. Plus, there's this: the Swiss plan to devalue their franc.
Adami: "The better trade is in silver. The better investment is still in gold."
Bloomberg: Turkey cuts benchmark interest rate to record low (Aug 4)
Bloomberg: Copper may reach $10,000 per metric ton (Aug 4)
Keiser Report: Apple more cash-rich than US govt (Aug 3)
BNN: Markets, Peter Schiff (Aug 3)
Yahoo: Peter Lee (UBS): Gold, silver moving much higher (Aug 3)
streetmoney21: The show is over and the movie ended with audience getting robbed! (Aug 3)
BrotherJohnF: Silver update - Silver steps (Aug 3)
pdlumina: Is America heading for a Third World collapse? (Aug 3)
HyperReport: 8/3/2011 (Aug 3)
Bill Still: Debt increase passed (Aug 3)
Alexiscom1: Govt cuts or how it goes out of business (Aug 3)
george4title: Gravitational collapse in real estate: The waterfall effect (Aug 3)
ScrapGoldBusiness: Gold and silver - safe storage? (Aug 3)
ScrapGoldBusiness: Are you ready? Has the collapse begun? (Aug 3)
endlessmountain: The Silver Log (Aug 3)
Casey Research: The Fed's big secret: Money is worthless (Aug 3)
chessNwine: Stock market recap (Aug 3)
chessNwine: Building toward something (Aug 3)
Columbia Business School Follies: The market crashed on me (Apr 25 2008)
GHoeberX: The inevitable collapse of the dollar (Sept 14 2007)
Bob Chapman: Financial Survival (Aug 3)
Tekoa Da Silva: Fernando Aguirre (Aug 3)
> Author of "Surviving the Collapse" (in Argentina)
Tekoa Da Silva: Jim Willie (Aug 3)
Tekoa Da Silva: Randy Hilarski (Aug 3)
Tekoa Da Silva: Gary Savage (Aug 3)
King World News: Gerald Celente (Aug 2)
> SS interview begins 27 minutes into part 1
CNBC: How to trade the yen post-intervention (Aug 4)
Reuters: Emerging world buys $10 bln in gold as West wobbles (Aug 3)
The Australian: Rogers tips agricultural commodities (Aug 3)
Dave Fry: Dave's Daily (Aug 3)
Le Monde Diplomatique: Iceland's loud No (Aug 2)
Keiser Report: Peak everything, James Kunstler (Aug 2)
Gulf News: China loses trust in US economic stewardship (July 31)
Le Fly: Showtime! (Aug 4)
Jake Gint: The next big thing (Aug 4)
Gary North: Rothbard's The Mystery of Banking (Aug 4)
Craig White: Ron Paul's Great Compromise of 2012 (Aug 4)
Jim Sinclair: Two major chapters in growth of gold complete (Aug 3)
Jim Sinclair: Two major chapters in growth of gold complete (Aug 3)
Turd Ferguson: (pm) Objectives met (Aug 3)
Turd Ferguson: (am) Sorry about that (Aug 3)
Jim Willie: License to debase US Dollar further (Aug 3)
Le Fly: Window of opportunity (Aug 3)
Le Fly: Unmitigated disaster (Aug 3)
> "Are we in the midst of a 2008 style melt down or is this something that will pass?"
Jake Gint: What better explanation do you need? (Aug 3)
Silver Doctors: How many contracts would break registered Comex supplies (Aug 3)
Glen Bradford: Gold and silver speculation, not investment (Aug 3)
King World News: Schiff: Gold bull accelerating after debt ceiling theater (Aug 3)
Tony Sagami: Top 2 questions about every stock in your portfolio (Aug 3)
Kevin Kerr: Reinventing the American Dream, abroad! (Aug 3)
Golden Truth: Our govt gets more absurd by the day (Aug 3)
Zero Hedge: SNB intervenes to lower 'massively overvalued' franc, leaves gold as only 'safe haven' currency (Aug 3)
Jesse's Cafe Americain: Gold and silver charts - Eurodollars (Aug 3)
Dan Norcini: Gold chart (Aug 3)
> chart: resistance 1680, support roughly 1625
Zero Hedge: US-Japan open currency warfare (Aug 3)
Zero Hedge: David Rosenberg: Recession is a virtual certainty, how to trade it (Aug 3)
Zero Hedge: Yentervention: Dollar Yen surges after fin-min sells Y500 billion (Aug 3)
Travis Hoium: IMAX by the numbers (Aug 3)
J.W. Jones: Technical outlook (Aug 3)
Justice Litle: Is this a great environment for gold stocks? (Aug 3)
Przentskaw Radomski: US debt crisis temporarily resolved; mining stocks yet to see resolution (Aug 3)
Jordan Roy-Byrne: Gold accelerates as US equities enter cyclical bear mkt (Aug 3)
Eric Sprott, David Baker: The Real Banking Crisis (Aug 2)
Blog commentary
Metal bling
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