Under most other circumstances, a move from 32 to 40 to 38 to 40 to 39 wouldn't be a big deal, right? But with the Comex mafia, it's all pure insanity. I'm glad to be out of paper silver. The longer spot price drifts around this level, the more I just wait. I'm interested in a discount price for some physical acquisition. Otherwise, unless we get a catalyst that nails down one direction or another, paper is out.
Gold? Is it going to plunge like some bears say? Or is it ready to blast off? No idea here. These 100-point swings don't bother me even with my small positions in DGP and XG. So what's next? The posturing on Capitol Hill is about as alluring as all the bullshit lockout crap by the NFL and NBA. Might be best to take a pass until Aug 2 and enjoy what's left of summer.
Fox: Boehner: House will compromise on debt limit (July 21)
Yahoo: Return of mass layoffs a grim sign for US workers (July 21)
Yahoo: Banks make big profits by bilking consumers, pay small fines (July 21)
Yahoo: Borders doomed by Amazon deal (July 21)
Bloomberg: Jaroslovsky review's Apple's Lion software (July 21)
CNBC: HK launches dollar-denominated silver futures (July 21)
chessNwine: Stock market recap (July 21)
Keiser Report: Ideas for revolution, $500 silver (July 21)
BrotherJohnF: Silver update - Open interest (July 21)
george4title: You are a slave (July 21)
ScrapGoldBusiness: Do eBay and PayPal both suck? A seller's nightmares (July 21)
endlessmountain: The Silver Log (July 21)
Peter Schiff: Dollar, Bernanke, NIA's agriculture pump & dump stock (July 21)
Catherine Austin Fitts: Now that we got your money, we're changing the deal (July 21)
campaignfourliberty: Austrian economist Robert Murphy on debt ceiling (July 21)
stellaconcepts: Silver YT is becoming a joke, plus shiny 10 oz stackers (July 20)
Financial Times: Banks brace for hits on Greek bonds (July 21)
AP: Second Greece bailout sends Asia stocks higher (July 21)
AP: iFraud: Entire Apple stores being faked in China (July 21)
CNBC: How to trade gold after the EU debt deal (July 21)
Dan Norcini: Another leaked news story suggesting a deal on the debt ceiling (July 21)
Le Fly: I raised cash into the rally (July 21)
> "I've decided to hold GSVC, no matter what, for an undetermined period of time. This is a must own stock, regardless of market forces."
King World News: Santelli: Gold's rise is indictment of central bank policies (July 21)
King World News: Rule: Juniors to rocket because of discovery and consolidation (July 21)
Zero Hedge: Euro bailout #2 could cost up to 56% of German GDP (July 21)
Simon Black: If you haven't bought any gold yet ... (July 21)
Fred Reed: Bail (July 21)
Sumit Roy: Investors rush into precious metals (July 21)
George Maniere: Is the silver market being manipulated by the Comex? (July 21)
Chris Martenson: David Morgan on silver price manipulation (July 20)
Metal Porn
mapleleafcoins: 2011 1/2 oz Silver Maple Leaf Forever (July 21)
SilverMapleLeafs: Junk silver shipment arrived today (July 21)
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