Roseville Library
11:38 am (Hawaii) To those of you who bought AAPL at 310, 320, 330, tip of the hat to ya. I'm still waiting for 390, which is quite reasonable after it ran to 405 when trading resumed afterhours. Currently 397+.
Ron Paul: Floor speech on the debt ceiling (July 19)
CNBC: Apple CFO: Staggering results iPad driven (July 19)
CNBC: Apple breaks $400 (July 19)
Yahoo: Don't sweat the debt ceiling, buy 'secular growth' like Apple (July 19)
CNBC: President Obama speaks on debt talks (July 19)
Yahoo: Cut, cap and tax would be 'win for fiscal sanity,' Greenhaus says (July 19)
Reuters: South Sudan rolls out new currency (July 19)
Bloomberg: Rupert Murdoch attacked at UK phone-hacking hearing (July 19)
Fox: Housing starts up 14.6% in June (July 19)
Bloomberg: Blanchflower says EU debt contagion may spread to France (July 19)
CNBC: The Farm Bubble (July 19)
CBS: Silver or Lead (July 17)
drutter: July 19, and I've yet to water my garden this year (July 19)
chessNwine: Stock market recap (July 19)
Alexiscom1: Debt ceiling, debt money, debt stupid (July 19)
NewAmericaNow: Welcome to AmeriKa the USSA (July 19)
NewAmericaNow: American History, debt ceiling, I hope we don't get fooled again (July 19)
PastorDowell: Raining on US today (July 19)
Peter Schiff: Two former Social Security officials admit system not different from ponzi (July 19)
george4vlogging: Times are tight, let's talk about it (July 19)
Jim Comiskey: (am) Daily market insights - metals (July 19)
SilverMapleLeafs: People selling their gold to buy silver (July 18)
jasiri2x: Real Gangstas SD2011 edition (Mar 4)
Reuters: Apple smashes Street views, revenue soars (July 19)
AP: Debt hope: Obama praises 'Gang of Six' plan (July 19)
CNN: 14 arrest in operation targeting Anonymous (July 19)
CNN: IMF: Debt threatens to engulf Europe (July 19)
CNN: An ex-Googler's inside view on Google+ vs. Facebook (July 19)
Turd Ferguson: Fighting the Criminals (July 19)
Steven Hayward: How to raise the debt ceiling by $1.6 trillion without Congress (July 19)
SilverGoldSilver: Full retard commenced - stop trading (July 19)
Le Fly: Bitter Sweet Epiphany (July 19)
Le Fly: It's always interesting (July 19)
> About GSVC's $100 secondary offering
Jake Gint: Late night at the Clam Cafe (July 19)
Real Clear Politics: Wynn slams Obama on business (July 19)
Zero Hedge: Apple crushes earnings, guides below expectations, 62% of sales from abroad (July 19)
Zero Hedge: Charting Apple cash bank vs. cash taxes paid (July 19)
Zero Hedge: What volume? (July 19)
Blog commentary (reader posts of note)
LipstickOnAPig: These raids mean nothing (July 19)
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