(new) pdlumina: When economies collapse, it happens fast (July 7)
(new) chessNwine: Market recap (July 7)
(new) PBS: Economic crisis impacting baby boomers (July 7)
James Turk: Pierre Jovanovic on French monetary history (July 7)
Peter Schiff: Listener questions, interest rates (July 7)
Wafdawg: Are you potentially a financial WMD (July 7)
Bob Flower: Master Pattern (July 7)
endlessmountain: Silver log (July 7)
Michael Hudson: The foreclosure of public domain (July 7)
george4title: 'Living outside' in the suburbs (July 7)
H1INC: Why would you join the military? (July 7)
H1INC: Please invest with me (July 7)
Bob Chapman: Silver, gold have bottomed out (July 6)
Reports & Blogs
(new) SilverGoldSilver: Shorting LULU into jobs report (July 7)
(new) Jake Gint: He was right about XG (July 7)
(new) Le Fly: Leaning toward TLT in August (July 7)
(new) USA Today: Report: Apple's iPhone 5 dials in China Mobile (July 7)
(new) Apple Insider: New photo fuels rumors (July 7)
(new) Turd Ferguson: Paging Dr. C (July 7)
Wall Street Journal: JP Morgan settles muni bond rigging claims (July 7)
Turd Ferguson: Silver Outlook (July 7)
Beacon Equity: How China intends to take down the Comex (July 7)
John Embry: Maguire correct, gold and silver shorts will be destroyed (July 7)
Bloomberg: African Barrick shares hit as mining boom triggers tax grab (July 7)
Yahoo: Family fights govt over rare Double Eagle gold coins (July 7)
Bloomberg: Gold advances for third day (July 7)
Bloomberg: ETFs face UK serious fraud office review (July 5)
(new) Martin Armstrong: Is Paulson being eyed for the next panic trade? (July 4)
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