Vista Theater, Hollywood
Note: Watching Peter Schiff talk on CNBC, pointing out the same as always: PIIGS are in no position to avoid default, which helps the Euro long term, while the US prints its way into inflation. Funny how he shows up on Money in Motion Currency instead of Fast Money.
RT: Crosstalk featuring Jim Rogers, Dennis Gartman (July 15)
Yahoo: Markets will sell off if no debt deal is reached: Schoenberger (July 15)
Yahoo: Warren Buffett invests like a girl, says author (July 15)
Bloomberg: Chambers says S&P expects US to reach debt agreement (July 15)
Fox: Baur: Odds of default, downgrade are small (July 15)
Fox: June consumer prices drop for first time in a year (July 15)
TheStreet: Redler: Take profits in gold, buy silver (July 15)
Bloomberg: Icahn makes $10 billion Clorox bid to flush out suitors (July 15)
Bloomberg: Minarik says it'll be hard for Treasury to choose bills (July 15)
TheStreet: Cramer: Two sectors to sell (July 15)
The Weekly Telegram: Jim Sinclair and gold mining stocks (July 15)
Bloomberg: Wadhwa, Kedrosky debate tech 'bubble' outlook (July 14)
Bloomberg: Munster says Google+ challenged by Facebook's growth (July 14)
Bloomberg: SF cafe serves as technology incubator (July 14)
Bloomberg: Bollinger discusses higher education, freedom of press (July 14)
TheStreet: Cramer says sell 25% of gold, hold rest (July 14)
> Note: Interesting that the host asks if he will sell the physical, and he says GLD. Does he ever talk about physical gold?
HBO: Too Big to Fail (20-min trailer) (June 9)
(new) Journeyman Pictures: Ghost Cities - China (Apr 18 2011)
• Mike Maloney called this a few years back, a real estate bubble burst in China
(new) SilverGoldSilver: Here we go ... silver, gold on the move (July 17)
(new) wafdawg: Debt debate outcome so predictable (July 17)
(new) Turd Ferguson: Blythe and Ruprecht Return (updated) (July 17)
(new) SilverMapleLeafs: Sell your house and buy silver? (July 17)
(new) george4title: Why America needs to collapse (July 17)
(new) H1INC: Debt limit go ya bummed? (July 17)
(new) george4title: Transition into healthy eating and living (July 17)
(new) Alexiscom1: Silver update (improved audio) (July 17)
(new) Alexiscom1: Why I am not worrying about the economic collapse (July 17)
pdlumina: Are we doomed or is nothing going to happen with the economy? (July 16)
chessNwine: Weekly market wrap (July 16)
silverfuturist: Gold all-time high, Martin Armstrong's outlook for gold (July 16)
Robert Ian: Gold is money, everything else is credit (July 16)
(new) Kitco: Silver Summit's David Bond on silver uptick (July 15)
SGTbull007: MSM magazine subliminal message: 'Silver is money' (July 15)
BrotherJohnF: Silver update - Value (July 15)
H1INC: Gold and silver ration, Social Security ponzi (July 15)
Jim Comiskey: Daily market insights - metals (July 15)
bigdad06: Gary Yantis returns! (July 15)
SGTbull07: Silver, Infinte Dagners & Survival, Gary Yantis (part 1) (July 15)
Gary Yantis: An engineer's look at silver (July 15)
endlessmountain: (pm) Silver Uptrend - Failed moves, options (July 15)
endlessmountain: (am) The Silver Log - Holding at the top end of the range (July 15)
PastorDowell: Gold and silver on the rise again (July 15)
PastorDowell: Max Keiser 1 oz silver round (July 15)
george4title: Sweet potato leaves (July 15)
Peter Schiff Radio: Obama administration vs. Amish (July 15)
(new) contraryinvesting: Gold breaking out! Will 2011 be a worldwide currency collapse? (July 14)
BrotherJohnF: Silver update - Blast off (July 14)
stellaconcepts: Silver up $4.50 in 3 days, what's next? (July 14)
FinancialSense.com: John Williams talks with Jim Puplava (July 14)
ScrapGoldBusiness: A prediction from years ago about the change (July 14)
Howard Lindzon: Talking coffee and social media stocks (July 12)
Larry Edelson: Contagion! (July 12)
> Two weeks ago, Edelson predicted a drop in Spot Silver to 26. "I don't believe we'll get higher than 40, we won't get new highs for a couple of years. I still expect a retest of the 30 and 28 levels."
MrWoodeye: Season of Treason (June 14)
Silver100oz: Gold and silver (anime) (Dec 12 2010)
Matrix Rebellion: The Money Masters (part 1 of 22) (Jan 2 2009)
Contrary Investors Cafe: James Turk interview (June 30)
(new) FP: Merkel calls for European ratings agency (July 17)
(new) Al Jazeera: CIA veteran Baer: Israel to attack Iran in fall (July 17)
(new) Huffington Post: US default would likely cause stocks, bonds, dollar to collapse (July 17)
(new) Daily Express: 48 hours to save the Euro as Greece deal stalls (July 16)
(new) The Australian: Silver set to soar on demand from health care, clean energy, water purification (July 15)
Reuters: S&P threatens downgrades of US finance companies (July 15)
> Note: FAZ flat today (47.70). Still regret selling at 43.03!
Wall Street Journal: China stumbles in yuan grand plan (July 15)
US News: Who to blame for the debt fiasco (July 15)
CNN Money: US credit: Raising the ceiling isn't enough (July 15)
Business Insider: Goldman: These companies could get crushed if the govt goes into austerity (July 15)
Mineweb: Silver 'biscuits' taking off in India (July 15)
Mineweb: China nearly doubles rare earth export quota (July 14)
Mineweb: Extreme times for central bankers - a time for gold (July 14)
(new) Zero Hedge: US aircraft carrier enters Persian Gulf, Baer predicts Sept Israel-Iran war (July 17)
(new) Zero Hedge: Why latest European bailout is DOA, why CDO at heart of Eurozone is to become toxic (July 17)
(new) Zero Hedge: SocGen: Stress test doesn't reflect reality, political error can trigger freeze in money markets (July 17)
(new) Don't Tread on Me: Forget $50 silver, the real inflation-adjusted silver high is $500+ (July 16)
(new) Wakeupfromyourslumber.com: Occupy Wall St - Tahrir style (July 16)
Zero Hedge: Treasury to stop funding market manipulation fund to delay US bankruptcy (July 15)
Zero Hedge: Here are 29 companies with more cash than US Treasury (July 15)
Martin Armstrong: Clarification (July 15)
Jim Sinclair: Jim's mailbox (July 15)
Eric De Groot: Quiet history provides the best entry points (July 15)
Turd Ferguson: Turd back (July 15)
> "When it begins printing numbers that begin with '4', open interest will explode as big money will rapidly return to the pit. ... I expect silver to rapidly advance toward 48-50."
King World News: Jim Sinclair: Gold milestone at $1,764 paves way to $12,000 (July 15)
Jesse's Cafe Americain: Global gold reserves update (July 15)
The Silver Log: 07.15.2011 (July 15)
Le Fly: (pm) Debt ceiling failure melt up, Mr. Retardo Robotico style (July 15)
> He is still bullish on GSVC, sees $24 near term
Le Fly: (am) Going back in (July 15)
> He likes VCLK, CRZO
Jake Gint: Bullish on NUGT (July 15)
chessNwine: Breakout in SWN (July 15)
Peter Schiff: It ain't money if I can't print it! (July 15)
Robert Blumen: US to return to gold standard, really (July 15)
David Galland: The greater depression is upon us (July 15)
Sumit Roy: Investors rush into precious metals, dump energy (July 15)
Tim Seymour: China keeps rare earth supplies tight despite WTO warning (July 15)
George Maniere: How far can GLD run? (July 15)
Golden Truth: Gold is now a flight to safety refuge? (July 15)
Gold Report: Michael Berry: $1,600 gold in reach (July 15)
> Berry: 'Look for $1,700/oz gold by the end of year.'
The AU Report: Morning Coffee: Extorre announced economic study for Cerro Moro expands (July 15)
Scott Wolf: 14 reasons to continue to buy gold, silver (July 15)
Brian Hicks: The best (and worst) silver rounds (July 15)
Bill Bonner: Sticking with the golden formula as empires crumble (July 15)
(new) Martin Armstrong: Spending v. Systemic Reform (July 14)
Dan Norcini: Bernanke trying to walk back expectations for QE3 (July 14)
King World News: Ben Davies: Gold to break above $2,000 in next 4 months (July 14)
Market Oracle: Yen's hidden global QE signal and gold breakout (July 14)
Survival Blog: A prepper goes to college (July 14)
Ian Cooper: Historic rare earth discovery - Bet on the giant squid instead (July 14)
(new) Martin Armstrong: Gold - The final frontier? (July 13)
Gary North: Baloney (July 13)
Gary North: On the road to govt default (July 9)
Press release
Market Wire: Sprott Physical Gold Trust announces follow-on offering of trust units (July 14)
Blog comments (good stuff from regular blog readers)
Fortinbras: @Gramp (July 16)
TheGoodDoctor: Trading in this environment (July 15)

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