Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You Twit!

I didn't have a car until I was 21.

I didn't own a cellphone until 1999.

Twitter? By the time I even have an account, they'll have specialized accounts for corporations. Shouldn't be long from now.

Actually, it's already there.

Part of me thinks the whole Twittie thing is cute and so instantaneous. Very Global Village, as Ira Rohter used to tell us in the 1980s. But do I really want to know where you and you and you are going after the trip to the mall this afternoon? Do I really, really, really need to know that you can't stand strawberry mochi balls and that Coldstone rules?

Then again, I'm supposed to be in the communication business, right? Hmm... if I get an iPhone, twitting (or twittering) follows. I just can't stand the thought of paying $130 a month (unlimited minutes) just to use it. The iPhone, I mean.

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