Monday, February 4, 2008

Such a strange love triangle

The Yahoo Love Triangle pushed YHOO shares to 29.50 mid-day (now at 29.33 in after hours), quite impressive for a Co that simply doesn't know how to monetize properly. Don't get me wrong. I have my YHOO shares for trading purposes because, whether the Co likes it or not, it is in the sweet spot. It is the apple (no pun intended) in Mr. Softee's eye. It is also being lusted after by the search gods of Google.

It's all enough to make a man quit watching As the World Turns permanently. Not that I watch soaps. (Does Lost count as one?)

Fred Wilson speaks of Google's impending and complete dominance of search and advertising, and it is nearly impossible to counter his argument. I was late to the Google search world. Think it was 2001 or '02 when I finally started using their technology and I haven't wavered since. I mean, who uses Yahoo search when Google's is superior?

Wilson lays out a plan (I've seen a similar idea at Silicon Alley Insider by Henry Blodget) that would keep Yahoo independent. Either way, I think my shares of Yahoo will climb a bit more. I'm holding for now.

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