Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mr. Smiley

All right, James Altucher isn't quite Mr. Life is Tremendous all the time, but he gets close. After all, it was May 28 of 2010 when he pounded the table on stocks while most of the free world (myself included) was running scared and ready to cash out of the stock casinos.

Fast forward to February of 2011, and Altucher was dead-on right. He remains uber-bullish, as he explained on Kudlow yesterday, in large part because of Obamanomics (QE2).

Here's what Altucher said last May: We'll have a check mark recovery.

• "The debate is over. It's already been a 'v'. It's going to keep going. We're in the middle of a whole inventory rebuild."
• S&P 500 companies will continue to beat earnings
• "People are going to laugh and nobody's going to say 'James Altucher was right.' "

Here, Altucher takes on a permabear in July of 2010.

This one is also from last July. Altucher vs. Roubini. Guess who won?

Here's what he said yesterday.

This is from January 5.

And finally, Altucher elaborates on a column he wrote recently on his site, Altucher Confidential, about the waste that paying for college really is.

Ordered his new book, Guide to Investing in the Apocalypse, and it arrived yesterday. Should be, as always, interesting reading.

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