Monday, December 3, 2007

Expect the Unexpected

That's what I should've done. Instead of jumping back into RIMM for another swing trade with a full buy, the 10-20-30-40% approach would've worked. Well, not worked — RIMM is down nearly $16 since my buy — but the piecemeal approach would've helped.

Thursday, 120, 10%
Friday, 113, 20%
Monday, 104, 30%

Yeah, a smarter move than assuming that Big Ben's effect on the market would have staying power. Turns out the market was out of juice after rallying sharply for a few days.

The final 40% chunk of RIMM swing shares tomorrow (or later) would've been the biggest piece, and I wouldn't be underwater so badly. RIMM still rallies before the end of this month. The approach should've been smarter.

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