Monday, April 20, 2009

Holding on

FAZ never took a breather after hours and ran to 11.89. BAC closed at 8.02, but plunged in AH to 7.78. C plunged to 2.85 AH. I decided to hold my FAZ overnight. If the financials gap up tomorrow, I might go long C or BAC. They have major problems, but profits -- particularly with BAC -- are not an issue. C has a conversion (preferred to common shares) value of 3.25, which will probably stick, making 2.85 a good value price.

Or maybe just sell at the open and stay in cash. If, by some zany twist of fates (plural), FAZ will be one of the stocks that helps me recoup what I lost today. It's not out of the realm of possibility. FAZ was 115 five weeks ago.

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