Thursday, August 16, 2007

10 is the magic number?

Could be it all be this simple? Should it?

The Dow Jones hits a 10% correction marker ... and major buying commences by the big boys in the final 2 hours of the day. It's a game they play and the rest of us average Joes just hang on for the roller-coaster ride.

If the bottom is in, then the 10% slide was the trigger for the next run. Or was today's rally sparked by anticipation of a Fed interest rate cut in the very near future?

The fact that financials rallied big time today could've been a reason to believe in a turnaround. But the Fed could easily argue that this is proof that intervention is absolutely unnecessary.

Jim Cramer says the Countrywide Financial situation is a tipping point of sorts. So is a bill introducted in Washington today. Whatever happens, those of you who are sitting on big cash are on the sweet spot.

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