Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday cinema & library (updated 1130 pm HST)


2:05 pm (Hawaii) Greece? Problems no more? The last of the protests and riots is past? Maybe. I'm catching up on the news, having kept the TV off all day as I worked. But catch up, I shall. Images of pissed-off Greeks in the streets is one thing. What happens when French banks go down the gutter?

It'll make for great theater someday. By then, it will become gut wrenching for average peons who do their regular work routine, raise their families, only to learn one day soon that their trusted banks are dastardly dirty scumbags. Bottom line is, who pays for all these toxic assets? Who ends up on the streets? It's not a matter of if, but when.

(new) Matt Taibbi: The $2 billion UBS incident: 'Rogue trader' my ass (Sept 15)
(new) Jake Gint: The Silver Test (Sept 16)
(new) Golden Truth: What exactly happened today? (Sept 15)
> "It shows how desperate European banks have become for cash. But why are the big US banks willing to take crappy collateral in exchange? Why would US banks be willing to take this shit to keep Euro banks solvent? And why is the Fed extending half a trillion of Taxpayer-backed funding to keep the Euro system from collapsing?"

(new) Jesse's Cafe Americain: Quad witching tomorrow, Comex next week (Sept 15)
(new) Chris Duane (Silver Shield): I beat the pants off Warren Buffett this past decade (Sept 15)
(new) Chris Duane (Silver Shield): Latest on the DTOM hack (Sept 15)
Jake Gint: Presenting... (Sept 15)

(new) Jim Comiskey: Daily market insights - Metals futures (Sept 15)
> "They didn't even put a dollar amount on it either. When Bernanke originally announced QE2, he said, "Okay, here's $600 billion." There's no dollar amount. To me, that's terrifying."
(new) bullorbearreport: Morphine market rally while gold, silver go on sale (Sept 15)
(new) wafdawg: US veto and petro dollar (Sept 15)
> Petro yuan is coming
(new) ScrapGoldBusiness: Why our economy will never recover (Sept 15)
UKIP: Gerard Batten: Media collusion with Bilderberg Group confirms hidden agenda (Sept 15)
ScrapGoldBusiness: Global govts, banks begin to restrict personal gold bullion (Sept 15)
Corbett Report: Solyndra scandal, Perry/Merck (Sept 15)
RT: $1 trillion bailout hasn't changed a thing (Sept 15)
Keiser Report: Debt carpet bombing (Sept 15)
Christopher Greene: Fourth Reich of the Rich (Sept 15)
Al Korelin: Guest James Turk (Sept 15)


(new) Peter Schiff Radio (Sept 15)
(new) Sinclair Note: Monetary manipulation policies don't correct malinvestment (Sept 9)

Blog commentary

(new) (video) Reuters: China's censors target microblogs (Sept 15)
(new) (video) MSNBC: Dylan Ratigan - Fraudclosure video (Sept 15)
(video) Reuters: Heroes' welcome for Sarkozy and Cameron in Libya (Sept 15)
(video) Reuters: Lehman collapse 3 years later (Sept 15)
(video) Reuters: Bank of America behind surge in default notices: RealtyTrac (Sept 15)
(video) Reuters: Netflix not cheap enough, says Tarsala (Sept 15)
(video) Euronews: Report warns European growth coming to a standstill (Sept 15)

Metal bling
SilverMapleLeafs: Hoffman & Hoffman, Mark McGwire (Sept 15)
BullionCatalogue: Silver - Australian Lunar Series I & II - Rabbit - 1 oz -gilded (Sept 15)
(new) gruppenfuhrer0: Collection of large gold bullion (Mar 9 2009)

Eye candy

French art

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